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Adams Bryan: Live At The Royal Albert Hall - Blu-ray+3CD


Bryan Adams je kanadský rockový zpěvák, kytarista a také fotograf. Celý popis

3CD + Blu-ray
4Vinyl + Blu-ray

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Parametry produktu

Kód produktu 067803
EAN 4050538947496
Výrobca/Značka Warner
Druh média Blu-ray, CD
Počet CD 3
Počet BD 1
Dátum vydania 08.12.2023

Popis produktu

Bryan Adams je kanadský rockový zpěvák, kytarista a také fotograf. Své první sólové album vydal již v roce 1980. Od té doby vydal 14 studiových alb a získal si svými poprockovými skladbami, zejména baladami, milióny fanoušků po celém světě. Jeho průlomovým albem bylo "Reckless" z roku 1984, které obsahovalo hity jako "Summer of '69," "Run to You" a "Heaven." Adamse také proslavila jeho balada "Everything I Do (I Do It for You)," která byla součástí soundtracku k filmu "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" a stala se jedním z nejprodávanějších singlů v historii.

V roce 2022 vystoupil Bryan Adams v londýnské Royal Albert Hall tři večery po sobě, aby na každém z nich kompletně představil jedno ze svých dnes již klasických alb – „Cuts Like A Knife“ (večer 1), „Into The Fire“ (večer 2) a „Waking up The Neighbours“ (večer 3). Kompletní záznam všech tří těchto unikátních vystoupení nyní vychází na 3CD+BRD a 4LP+BRD.



1. Into The Fire (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

2. Heat Of The Night (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

3. Victim Of Love (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

4. Another Day (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

5. Native Son (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

6. Only The Strong Survive (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

7. Rebel (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

8. Remembrance Day (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

9. Hearts On Fire (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

10. Home Again (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)


1. The Only One (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

2. Take Me Back (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

3. This Time (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

4. I'm Ready (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

5. What's It Gonna Be (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

6. Don't Leave Me Lonely (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

7. Let Him Know (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

8. The Best Was Yet To Come (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

9. Cuts Like A Knife (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

10. Straight From The Heart (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)


1. Is Your Mama Gonna Miss Ya? (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

2. Hey Honey - I'm Packin' You In! (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

3. Can't Stop This Thing We Started (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

4. Thought I'd Died And Gone To Heaven (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

5. Not Guilty (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

6. Vanishing (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

7. House Arrest (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

8. Do I Have To Say The Words? (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

9. There Will Never Be Another Tonight (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

10. All I Want Is You (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

11. Depend On Me (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

12. Touch The Hand (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

13. If You Wanna Leave Me (Can I Come Too?) (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

14. Don't Drop That Bomb On Me (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

15. (Everything I Do) I Do It For You (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)


1. Cuts Like A Knife (Film Intro) [Live At The Royal Albert Hall]

2. The Only One (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

3. Take Me Back (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

4. This Time (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

5. I'm Ready (Live At The Royal Albert Hall) [Film Version]

6. What's It Gonna Be (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

7. Don't Leave Me Lonely (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

8. Let Him Know (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

9. The Best Was Yet To Come (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

10. Cuts Like A Knife (Live At The Royal Albert Hall) [Film Version]

11. Straight From The Heart (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

12. Take Me Back (Acoustic Guitar) [Live At The Royal Albert Hall]

13. Into The Fire (Film Intro) [Live At The Royal Albert Hall]

14. Into The Fire (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

15. Heat Of The Night (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

16. Victim Of Love (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

17. Another Day (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

18. Native Son (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

19. Only The Strong Survive (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

20. Rebel (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

21. Remembrance Day (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

22. Hearts On Fire (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

23. Home Again (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

24. Into The Fire (Acoustic Guitar) [Live At The Royal Albert Hall]

25. Waking Up The Neighbours (Film Intro) [Live At The Royal Albert Hall]

26. Is Your Mama Gonna Miss Ya? (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

27. Hey Honey (I'm Packin' You In!) [Live At The Royal Albert Hall]

28. Can't Stop This Thing We Started (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

29. Thought I'd Died And Gone To Heaven (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

30. Not Guilty (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

31. Vanishing (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

32. House Arrest (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

33. Do I Have To Say The Words? (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

34. There Will Never Be Another Tonight (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

35. All I Want Is You (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

36. Depend On Me (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

37. Touch The Hand (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

38. If You Wanna Leave Me (Can I Come Too?) [Live At The Royal Albert Hall]

39. Don't Drop That Bomb On Me (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

40. (Everything I Do) I Do It For You [Live At The Royal Albert Hall]

41. Band Intros (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

42. Is Your Mama Gonna Miss Ya? (Acoustic Guitar) [Live At The Royal Albert Hall]


spokojených zákazníků z 1 recenzí
27.12.2023 od Sandra ?**************

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